With the light of dawn the weavers began to weave a new story. In each of these threads the weavers draw a reflection of life. Where happiness-sorrow, laughter-cry are hidden in every drop of color.
Time flies by here. How many stories, songs and poems are expressed in each rhythm of the loom. Which, even after thousands of years, makes women’s adornment red with simplicity, beauty and tenderness.
Each weaver of Bunon Kutir weaves thousands of stories of weavers sari weaving, weavers make a history by weaving each sari.
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আসল কাজ শুরু হয় সেল করার পরেই কারণ তখন কাস্টমারের সাথে আমাদের সম্পর্ক তৈরি করতে হবে
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Buyers are likely to call everyone who looks appropriate, if there are only a few
The buyer must be willing to pay the price for the product. Buyers are likely to call everyone who looks appropriate, if there are only a few. This is why you will always see people on TV like targeted buyers. Since the same policy is followed in business, many companies show case studies and references...
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