We don’t care about the cover photo of our page but the cover photo of our page should be tasteful. And Facebook set size.
When a buyer comes to visit our page, first of all he sees the cover photo of our page. But most of us entrepreneurs can be seen in the cover photo with a picture of one of their products or one of the designs which can be seen half and not half. Again, many people put a picture collected from the net in the cover photo, which looks very ridiculous and unprofessional in the eyes of the buyer. The customer cannot trust or believe in ordering the product from our page, and the fear of being deceived works in him. He comes back to order our page as new, unprofessional or fraudulent.
So of course the cover photo of the page is beautiful and you have to give the cover photo of the page with the size prescribed by Facebook.
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What is slab cotton / arang cotton?
When weavers make cloth by weaving yarn from cotton, some of the yarn is wasted. Then they start weaving new clothes with those broken yarns. Fabrics woven with that waste yarn become more attractive, and more comfortable to wear, hence the name “slab cotton”. And these fabrics are used in Arang so slab cotton is...
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